5 life-changing ideas for your home office video conference background
With virtual and hybrid events, you are now broadcasting your home office to the world! You have tried all the virtual backgrounds, but you want to present a customized home office video conference background to showcase your brand in the best light. Your home office environment is not only important for your professional image, but also for your own vitality and productivity. Follow our ideas for a life-changing home office, and improve your company communication during your virtual and hybrid events.
First things first
Before going the extra mile, make sure your workspace checks all the boxes of a basic home-office setup:
- You don’t need a big space, but it should be a private and dedicated space only for your video calls and virtual and hybrid events;
- Make sure not to have any window or light point in front of your screen;
- Confirm that your door doesn’t appear on the camera angle – we all have seen these funny videos of video meeting fails during the pandemic, haven’t we?
- Keep it simple and professional: avoid family photos or other personal items that you would not bring to your open space office;
- Don’t save on your chair: after all, it will be the place where you will be all day! Guarantee that your chair will be at the right height. It can be very distracting if you are not framed properly.
5 Ideas to build a charming home office video conference background
Now that all the basics are assured, it’s the moment to show that you mean business on your virtual and hybrid events. Here are some ideas to impress:
1. A Green Thumb
What about having a charming green friend with you during your event? No, we are not speaking about Shrek or the Grinch, we are talking about indoor plants! Your home office plant will help you to keep your cool during the most stressful days and will be a faithful companion for your events’ video calls and live streamings. Choose the right indoor plant for you, and let your home office video conference background generate good vibes for your event attendees!
2. Use color psychology
Marketers and designers know how to use color psychology when defining branding. Your brand identity color will communicate a message to your audience. Create the color palette for your home office, following the color psychology to help you develop the right atmosphere for your event attendees. Use green tones to pass on growth, prosperity, or sustainability, gray tones for neutral, timeless, and sophistication, or navy tones to build trust, loyalty, authority, or success. Up to you to choose the right tones for your brand!
3. Make a statement
When communicating your brand image, everything counts. Making a statement on your wall is a good way to convey your motto and inspire your audience. Why not try to use a wall sticker or a frame with an inspiring sentence?

4. Sure of ones(h)elf
We know, there’s quite of a contest of who has the best bookshelf, and it’s tempting to adopt this background to say to the world how much of a reader you are. But think again before adopting this style:
- Bookshelves often distract event participants, who will be trying to guess which books you have, instead of listening to your message;
- Do you organize your books by the book cover color? You may find yourself in one of these social media discussions about this theme. Make sure that this is the buzz you want to create.
Do you wish to have a shelf with a featured element, such as a special book or one of your company’s products? Why not, it can work as an ice-breaker, but assure that it doesn’t create visual noise that will displace your attendees’ attention of what is the most important: your message.
5. A home office video conference background with the wow factor
If you want nothing less than cause a wow impression, find a featured element that will match the design chosen for your customizable event platform. What about a neon with inspiring words, a custom-made art canvas, a hand-painted mural, or even an indoor plant wall?
Now that you have some ideas to improve your home office video conference background, read some tips on how to make your online events more engaging!