The 3 Incredible Benefits of Virtual Events That Can’t Be Ignored

This article will explain the three main incredible benefits of virtual events. If you’re not 100% sure what virtual events are, they are events that are held where there is no in-person contact at an event venue. Instead, the attendees or participants attend or take part in the event online by logging in to the event on their desktop or mobile device.

Let’s dive straight into the three most important benefits of virtual events.

1- Environmental Sustainability

We all want to play our part in saving our planet. Hosting virtual events instead of in-person events definitely plays a part in doing just that. In-person events require the attendees and event staff to travel to the event venue. The CO² emissions from planes, busses, and cars can be eliminated by hosting virtual events.

You will be blown away by the CO² emissions generated by in-person events. As a result, SCOOCS, being a huge advocate for hosting environmentally sustainable events, have built a CO² emissions calculator. Consequently, it allows you to calculate the CO² footprint based on the event venue location, the participants location and the mode of transport used. It makes it very real, showing your attendees how much they would be contributing to reducing CO² emissions by attending an event virtually compared to in-person.

2- Cost Savings

An in-person event has many costs which go hand in hand with accommodating and presenting to a live audience. There are event venue hire costs, catering costs, event security costs, audiovisual costs, printing costs, to name just a few. These costs usually increase as the number of attendees increase. When hosting virtual events, there is a substantial cost saving. No venue hire, catering, printing, or security costs are needed, no matter how many people attend the virtual event. Depending on the type of event, the savings from a virtual event can go towards hosting the next event, marketing the current event to increase the event numbers. This ultimately increases revenue for your organization. Therefore, cost savings is a massive benefit from hosting virtual events.

3- Larger Attendee Numbers

The ability to scale your event is made infinitely easier by hosting virtual events compared to in-person events. In-person events have various factors which prevent you from having larger numbers attend your event. An obvious limitation is the fact that a limited number of people who you would want to attend your event live in the city or town that you would host your event. A virtual event allows anyone in the world to attend the event. You don’t need to only invite people in the same city or town as the event if it’s held virtually.

You could invite anyone in the world because they do not need to travel to an event venue. They merely log in to the event from their desktop or mobile device. Another crucial element that we touched on earlier is the cost limitations of in-person events. More attendees mean higher costs for in-person events such as larger event venues, higher catering costs, etc. For virtual events, this isn’t a factor.

See the benefits of virtual events yourself by hosting one now!

We explained how environmental sustainability is vitally important if we all want to play our part in saving our planet for future generations. We went on to show you how the cost savings make virtual events absolute no-brainers. Thirdly, we explained that it allows you to scale your events easily.

Virtual events can transform the way your organization hosts events and can be hugely beneficial for you going forward.

We highlighted just 3 benefits of virtual events. There are many more that we could have discussed. If you book a call with one of our helpful team members they can explain the many more benefits of virtual events and how SCOOCS can help you make your virtual event a great success.

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