6 Productivity Methods You Should Be Aware Of
Productivity is something that every business is thirsty for. Get more jobs done in less time and get better results too. So, what’s the secret to getting there?
One thing is sure, once you get there, then you can relax for a while because being efficient and productive will take the business to many great levels. Phenomenal growth for every business is key.
So, let us now get into the major productivity systems that can help you succeed in whatever mode of business you are into.
Here are the six most important draft picks:
- Get Things Done (GTD)
- The Daily Trifecta
- The Time-Blocking Technique
- Bullet Journalling
- Seinfeld Calendar System
- Eat That Frog System
Sounds a bit scary, isn’t it?
Let us help you understand each of these in detail for more clarity.
#1 Get Things Done (GTD)
As the name suggests, it is all about getting things done on time. It does not matter if you are managing your responsibilities for managing a team or operations, the GTD approach is much more commendable. It helps you to perform the tasks and execute them on time. A perfect way to get things done is to rely on Task management software, which helps you with automation and easy task execution on time. Tasks are the minute atoms of a project. Hence when you think of task management, you may also have to expand it across project management tools like Yoroflow, which would make the planning, scheduling, and execution of the projects well ahead of time and help you get better results.
GTD has five major components that it is made of:
- Capture: it means to record and have the information handy for any time reference. It can be ideas, assignments, projects, goals, or anything of that sort. Capture and track for better results.
- Clarify: once you have the information, make sure you have the proper clearance of the stakeholder evaluation for execution. With CRM automation or workflow automation, you can configure the prices to get you the results that matter the most, Getting into pacific strategies is king!
- Organize: Very important because this is where you try to give the proper prioritization of the tasks and their completion dates. It can be prioritized based on the dates, value, or any other crucial factors.
- Reflect: This is the quality check step that is most important of all.
- Engage: Interact and engage with people, and get the job done. It is the simplest and most effective way of reaching your objectives seamlessly.
So, the key to getting things done is to rely on a
- Project management software for effective management
- A CRM software for all your lead management and tracking purposes
- An all-in-one automation tool that can help you convert your manual efforts into automated ones and save more time for you.
#2 The Daily Trifecta
It mainly focuses on the creation of a list of three key things you want daily: it refers to three crucial things that are a must-have for the day to make it a successful one. It helps you to keep track of daily activities and get them done regularly so that it is not getting piled up anywhere.
#3 The Time-Blocking Technique
Again it is also a crucial productivity hack where it helps the employees to set up a timer of 25 minutes without break. 25 minutes of entire productivity and then take a 5 to 10 min break and repeat. It helps the employees to get refreshed after tiring work and helps them to be efficient in delivering results for the betterment of the project.
#4 Bullet Journalling
Bullet journaling is a process of productivity strategy that helps people to manage and be conscious of why. It helps people to be used to the technological advancements that help them track better strategies.
#5 Seinfeld Calendar System
We all know humans compete with each other. That is why we need to be more proactive in completing. This method is all about effectively tracking your tasks and results.
#6 Eat that Frog
This is all about completing your most difficult task first thing in the morning because once it is done, you will have a peaceful day ahead. It will help you to easily capitalize your energy, attention, and ambition. Once you are done with the difficult things, the rest of the day would be much simpler and more productive.
How to step into the best productivity system?
When it comes to production systems, many platforms and software tools can help you to track efficiency daily. Really on a good system, a project management tool that helps you to capitalize and get the best out of your resource management for better operations and project success.