We invite you to try out our poster booths feature where you can allow your poster presenters to set up their own poster booths in minutes and also benefit from dedicated networking tables to discuss each poster!
Display your papers in an embedded .pdf, and illustrate your research with infographics, data boards, images, or videos. You can also embed a social media feed, a podcast, or another iFrame that will enhance your visitors’ experience. Perfect to present your scientific work, our Poster Booths will also be an excellent solution to exhibit your academic offer, or even for a career fair.
Better than the in-person posters! The virtual poster presentations hosted on SCOOCS will enable you to take customization to the next level!
Allow your speakers to publish several images, videos, iFrames, links, and pdf resources to share with their audience! Each poster booth can also have a networking table associated – a video room where the authors can showcase their work, and discuss ideas with the audience!
Define your poster booth preferences: let your speakers fill their own booth content. You decide which modules they can have access to!
Each Poster Booth can have several representatives, which can be contacted with the click of a button! Attendees can send private messages, schedule meetings, or have a 1-1 video chat with Poster Booth’s presenters. Your speakers will never miss a contact again – they can decide to receive an e-mail notification each time someone enters the Poster Booth!
Every presenter needs their own space to show their work. That’s why every poster booth has a networking table: a video room where you can set the presentation hour and duration…and you are ready to go!