Event Technology: How can event mobile apps increase your ROI

According to Social Tables, the implementation of event technology will increase attendance by 20% and planners’ productivity by 27%. Additionally, mobile event apps are reported as a positive contribution to event ROI, 78% of the time. These statistics highlight the importance of integrating event technology, in this case, event mobile apps into your event management strategies.

Also, being the event industry so saturated, understanding what ROI is and how to optimize it is critical for event organizers. But what is the event ROI, and what does it have to do with event technology and event apps? Let’s explore it together, in this article!

Understanding Event ROI

Before we understand what is the Event ROI as a “full concept” we need to keep in mind that it is not something “steady”-it can be a lot of things and often complex. But, the more complex the more accurate it will be and more powerful to understand how is your event driving revenue. 

Event ROI is the term that tells us the net value that an organization will get from an event for the costs that will go into the production of that event. 

This seems simple, right? But event ROI is much more than that! 

The “value” is a broad concept here, since it could be the revenue generated from sold event tickets, sponsorships, and event metrics, among others, and the cost of an event can be seen not only as the value associated with the production costs but also the resources and time associated with it.  Summing up, we can think of ROI as the assessment of both tangible and intangible benefits and costs of an event.

Mobile Apps for Events

A mobile app can be a great addition to your event since they offer a set of features designed to increase the attendee experience and ease event management. From personalized timetables and agendas, to real-time updates, and check-ins, these features will align with your event goals and maximize the Event ROI.

Event Mobile Apps Benefits

Let’s explore which benefits can a mobile app bring to your event!

How they can increase ROI

We’ve seen some benefits of using a mobile event app but how can they help improving your event’s ROI?

For the Event Planners

For the Attendees

For the Sponsors

In Conclusion

Mobile Apps directed to events are here to stay and will keep reshaping the event sector! They are a powerful tool that can enhance the ROI of your events. From simplifying tasks for event planners, enhancing the event experiences for the attendees, and offering opportunities of value for sponsors, mobile event apps ensure that every stakeholder can gain maximum value from the event.

Having a mobile event app is less of a trend and more of a need for organizations that want to stay competitive and keep thriving in the event industry. So, whether you’re planning a small company gathering or a large conference, why not integrate a mobile app into your event strategy?

If you want to know more, SCOOCS can help you!

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