CO2 Calculation

Save the planet and earn free credits

CO2 Calculation

Have you ever thought about how many CO2 emissions could be saved if we don’t have to travel to be at an event? We have, and that’s why we prepared the CO2 calculation, so you can know how you can improve the planet, rethinking the way we gather!

co2 calculation

How we calculate your footprint

If you activate the CO2 calculation option, we will track the CO2 savings of your event and translate the amount into saved trees. Based on scientific studies, you will save 1 tree for 100 kg CO2.

Help us to achieve our goal of saving 1 million tonnes CO2!


CO2online (2009). How many trees does it take to bind one ton of CO2? (translated from German) 

How we measure

Check here how we calculate CO2 emissions*


BBC (2019). Climate change: Should you fly, drive or take the train? 

Miyoshi, C., & Mason, K. J. (2009). The carbon emissions of selected airlines and aircraft types in three geographic markets. Journal of Air Transport Management15(3), 138-147.

Peeters, P., Szimba, E., & Duijnisveld, M. (2007). Major environmental impacts of European tourist transport. Journal of Transport Geography15(2), 83-93.”

co2 calculation

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